The Association of Former M.L.A.s of British Columbia is a non-profit corporation under the Association of Former M.L.A.s of British Columbia Act. [SBC 1998]. For information about the Association's objectives, please see the page on Legislation. The Association is strictly non-partisan, regardless of members’ past or present political affiliation.

In addition to an annual dinner for Members at Government House, the Association:

  • Continues to produce Orders of the Day (OOTD), the highly sought-after Association newsletter. Ten issues of OOTD are released each year covering topics relevant to the major times and events in British Columbia history.

  • Administers the Hugh Curtis Memorial Fund which provides financial assistance to two participants in the annual British Columbia Youth Parliament.

  • Provides advice to the Speaker of the Legislature upon request.


2023/2024 executive officers

Dave Hayer, President (MLA, Surrey-Tynehead, 2001-20013)
Diane Thone, Vice President (MLA Coquitlam-Maillardville, 2005-2013)
John Les, Past President (MLA Chilliwack-Sumas, 2001-2013)
Patrick Wong, Treasurer (MLA Vanvouver-Kensington, 2001-2005)
Bruce Strachan, Secretary (MLA Prince George South, 1979-1991)
Penny Priddy, Chair Editorial Board (MLA Surrey-Newton, 1991-2001)
Directors: Ken Jones, Harry Bloy, Tim Stevenson, Ida Chong and Linda Reid